Drama, Independent, Short Films, PG-13
In a Shantytown in Cape Town, South Africa, a boy and his younger sister cope with their mother’s untimely death, the siblings are forced to face the gripping realities of life on their own accord. To fight poverty and societal pity, they decide to make use of their small inheritance by opening a makeshift neighborhood carwash. The carwash quickly becomes a popular hangout and is frequented by a variety of colourful individuals including a few smalltime criminals with big aspirations. All goes well until one day, the entrepreneurial siblings are visited by local thugs who claim to have missed their point of transition, because of the mishap the thugs demand to use the carwash as their alternate delivery location. The criminal group entrust a briefcase to Vusi and Mbali with strict orders that the briefcase is kept in their possession until a mystery man named “John” arrives to collect it. Mbali predicts danger yet her brother Vusi sees opportunity and envisions wealth and grandeur. Can these two make an informed decision and overcome their dangerous dilemma?
Set in the spectacular township, Kayamandi in Cape Town - South Africa
Starring: Sibuyiselo Dywili as Vusi, Liyema Msini as Mbali and Nomazwi Goli as Miriam